Monday, February 2, 2009

While I Was Gone...

...I did not get engaged to an average looking, stock actor, but hey anytime's a good time to see some Anne right?
What I did however was realize how lost I am without internet at home.
After waiting for an entire week for the people to come fix my connection (does that happen everywhere or am I victim of Third World-ism?) today I'm posting or what has seemed like an eternity.
So to make up for the lost time let's see what happened while I was gone...
I saw "Nothing But the Truth" which turned out to be a great movie, not the silly, Ashley Judd-esque thriller I was expecting.
It seems "Slumdog Millionaire" got Danny Boyle the DGA award. This one was a shoe-in, they all love the direction, now it pretty much has a clean path towards the big one at the Kodak.
I also saw the simply awful "Seven Pounds", most of the time I like to make up my own opinion about movies and see everything even when the critical reception has been awful, but this time I wish I'd been paying attention.
Well I went on discount day so I can't be that stingy about it.
I also re-wacthed "Revolutionary Road" (how did they snub Thomas Newman's score is a head scracther), attended a screening of "Bride Wars" which wasn't half as terrible as I thought it'd be. Best thing to do for movies like this is go with your closest friends when you're all in need for some light, make that very light, fun. I fell the minute I saw Anne Hathaway in short shorts, dancing with a male stripper and doing the sexiest version of "the robot" ever (I always fall for dance-offs).
Don't watch this movie with feminists, lesbians or straight men; they will either kill you or try to exert a great revenge on you after watching this.
Oh and I was shocked, shocked to learn that "Kung-Fu Panda" swept the Annies leaving "WALL-E" empty-handed. What the hell went wrong there?
Anyone care to answer do so, I've missed the "blog talk".

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