Saturday, December 10, 2011

Best Miracle of Nature : supernatural heavenly light showing road to heaven

Among various wonderful views and illusions, those which are created by nature by default are the most special. Few time ago, the most wonderful natural phenomenon occur on earth and it can truly be called a miracle. The live spectators of this were forced to believe as if the gateway to heaven was opened through the sky and god was coming down to earth through the bright yellow light (as it happens in majority of the movie). In scientific terms, this phenomenon is one of very rare one and occurs with perfect combination of refraction of sunlight through a large hole in continuous cloud body. So, as the whole the sky appears blue with no presence of bright yellow color elsewhere then the center spot from where the sunlight enters with a magical appearance and it appears as if something heavenly and supernatural is happening. This was titled as the top supernatural view of the year. Have a look at the spectacular photos of this magic of nature showing its beauty at its best. (or who knows it was actually done by god ;) ) event.

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