Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) caught in act : funniest exposed photos captured on camera!

When you have the company of one of the most pretty and beautiful teenage girl with you then it is often impossible to control yourself. And this is even applicable to the famous Harry Potter star 'Daniel Radcliffe' who was caught not once but many times staring at the private areas of Hermione i.e. Emma Watson. Emma is so beautiful that Daniel's eyes were forced to look and stare at her in a 'naughty' manner and while this act of his, he was captured and exposed by the cameras. This didn't happened just once but he was seen doing this staring work many times at different events whenever Emma used to be near him. All this grown up boyhood acts of Harry was clicked by photographers. Have a look at these scandalous pics of one of the most famous teen stars of all time. 

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