Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sheet-y Saturday + Kylie!

Where we take a look at posters for upcoming features.

Why isn't Anna Faris the biggest female comedy star in the movie world? She constantly delivers purely genius work, and no this is not hyperbole. The other day watching X-Men for example, the trailer for this movie was the only one that brought a smile to my face (sorry Harry Potter Part 20 and Mr. Popper's Penguins). On the bright side, it's refreshing to see that she still gets leading roles, her movies haven't been precisely huge by any chance, so I'll take my Faris as I can.

If this movie had been made thirteen years ago I would've been all over it. Back then Tom Hanks was my favorite actor and Julia ruled my world, actually come to think of it, wasn't it that way for everyone else too?
Now, I find Hanks smirk utterly irritating and while Julia still rules my world, she abandons it so much, that I've learned to survive without her. With that said, the poster for Larry Crowne, which should feel like an event, is so dull.
Yes, it's about Hanks' character going back to college and being taught by Julia but it's not really Big or anything. The poster wants to reflect the fun of doing things at an inappropriate age, and as much as Julia's smile creates new angels, Hanks riding a Vespa feels less Gregory Peck and more like Old-man Holiday.

Dying to see either of these flicks? Do you remember loving Tom and Julia as much as I did?

On another note, go check out my Kylie article over at The Film Experience. It's all part of the Moulin Rouge! anniversary.
I still can not believe ten years have passed since I became obsessed with this movie.
Yet still every viewing feels like the very first one.

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